Sweden has a long history of international commitment and collaboration towards sustainable development and is pioneering the evolution of climate-smart technologies and system-wide solutions – an important competitive advantage for Swedish companies operating globally. Business Sweden plays an active, forward-leaning role in this development and has been doing so for a long time.

International guidelines

Our efforts are based on international guidelines and principles such as OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Entrepreneurship and Human Rights (pdf). We have signed the UN Global Compact and integrated its ten principles in our management.

In addition, we use Agenda 2030 as an overarching control and communication tool. The private sector plays a crucial role in achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. An important task for Business Sweden is to help companies in complex markets, where local practices, weak institutions and legislation may increase the risk of corruption, have a negative impact on the environment, or violate human rights and working conditions.

Agenda 2030 en.png

Thanks to our local presence in markets all over the world, Business Sweden has in-depth knowledge of the challenges and risks that international companies may face. We help companies manage these obstacles by providing the necessary information, advice, network, guidelines, tools and instruments.

Code of conduct

Our Code of Conduct serves as an ethical compass for our daily work. It helps us navigate to make the right decision and better integrate sustainability into our daily work and make it a natural part of the dialogue we have with our clients. The document is founded on our core values, Swedish legislation and international regulations and conventions. Our new Code of Conduct is based on previous editions, but it also points out the direction for how we strive to work in sustainability moving forward. A global implementation process is currently ongoing at Business Sweden. Several initiatives in line with the code of conduct will be launched aligning closely with the framework of Business Sweden’s strategy for 2025.

Read our Code of Conduct here.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are critical elements of today’s organisational strategies – serving as essential drivers of innovation, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability. This importance is further accentuated by new regulatory obligations for companies operating in European countries and value chains when it comes to reporting on DEI policies and metrics.

Sweden has long been a global leader in equality and inclusion, with its national values and policies serving as a benchmark for progressive social and workplace practices. Business Sweden recognises, and is creating an inclusive and equitable workplace, not just as a moral imperative but also to establish a strategic advantage for our organisation and the clients we work with.


Download our reports for detailed information about Business Sweden's sustainability strategy, goals and results.

Annual report and sustainability report 2022
PDF - 2 mb
Sustainability report 2021
PDF - 13 mb
Sustainability Report 2020
PDF - 23 mb
Sustainability Report 2019
PDF - 8 mb
Sustainability Report 2018
PDF - 3 mb
Sustainability Report 2017
PDF - 3 mb